
This report was written by the following team of experts: Dina Bacovsky, Christa Dißauer, Bernhard Drosg, Matthias Kuba, Doris Matschegg, Christoph Schmidl, Elisa Carlon (all BEST), Fabian Schipfer (TU Vienna), and Florian Kraxner (IIASA). Vera Djemelinskaia, a communication specialist, provided guidance to the authors to find simple language for complicated issues. She also guided the report through the process of delivery.


Kathryn Platzer edited the text for English language. ETA-Florence Renewable Energies created the report layout and infographics and implemented both the web and the pdf version. Nina Kononova created additional visuals.


We would like to thank all IEA Bioenergy Task Leaders for identifying suitable content and providing feedback to the texts, and a number of Task participants and ExCo delegates for reviewing draft versions of the report.


We would also like to thank the members of the Monitoring Panel, Sandra Hermle, Luc Pelkmans, Uwe Fritsche, Peter Coleman, Christiane Hennig, and Jim McMillan, for guiding the process, fruitful discussions on scope and feel of the report, and their extensive review work.


Finally, we thank our external reviewers, Timur Gül, Uwe Remme and Praveen Bains (all IEA), Dolf Gielen (IRENA), Olivier Dubois (FAO), Jossy Thomas (UNIDO), Henrique Pacini (UNCTAD), and Gerard Ostheimer (Biofuture Workshop), for their highly appreciated feedback. They have provided us with valuable insights and helped increasing the relevance of the report to a broader audience.


Copyright © 2022 IEA Bioenergy. All rights Reserved


ISBN 979-12-80907-21-9


Published by IEA Bioenergy


The IEA Bioenergy Technology Collaboration Programme (TCP) is organised under the auspices of the International Energy Agency (IEA) but is functionally and legally autonomous. Views, findings and publications of the IEA Bioenergy TCP do not necessarily represent the views or policies of the IEA Secretariat or its individual member countries

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